TiO2s (Titanium oxides)
How do titanium oxides function and what kind of effect do they place on human bodies and the environment?
Title of my Published Review paper on TiO2s:
Exposure Route of TiO2 NPs from Industrial Applications to Wastewater Treatment and Their Impacts on the Agro-Environment
Link to Read: https://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/10/8/1469
The photo on the right is one of the photos inserted in the published review paper. It shows the various application of TiO2 NPs in our lives.
Because of its white color, it is widely used in cosmetics and food.

NPs can be applied to the Agro-environment, which includes areas shown in the photo on the left.
Although NPs are popularly used in the medical field, it can also be utilized for the environment.
The figure on the right reveals the positive effect TiO2s can have on plant growth. The graphs show that with TiO2s treatments, plants can germinate with higher percentages and with longer lengths.

The diagram on the left organizes the ways of exposure of TiO2s.
It is seen to be exposed in many different ways, including industrialize products, consumers, and disposals.
Because TiO2s aren't determined to be either fully harmful or beneficial, the large amount of exposure could be unhealthy.
The bar graph on the right shows the contrast between demanded water supplies and existing water supplies. Currently, the earth is lacking to keep up with the high increase of the need of clean water supplies. Therefore, a new solution to that problem could be TiO2 NPs. These nanoparticles could contribute to wastewater treatments and allow recycling water sources to provide people and industries with enough clean water.